Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hmmm....A post after a very long no longer gonna blog abt sports is where u find it venture started by me and could do us a world of good if you could drop in and leave your signature....thats that...


Imagine this world without John Lennon!!!!

how could mark david chapman think of killing lennon?...of all people lennon?....

its sad to believe that lennon had to die at the age of 39 especially after what he had to go thru while his stay in the US....though he was subject to pariah,not by the city but by the US government,his love for the city of new york,as seen through the purest of his eyes went unchanged....

"all we are give peace a chance".....this was what he proclaimed and he did all he could to try and get across this message through mass meetings in the wake of the long and brutal Vietnam War.... but it all went in vain....the man would never live beyond his wildest dreams of living with Yoko and Sean(his son) till eternity....and who is to be blamed?....the CIA....

i still feel bad and find it real difficult to gulp the fact that he had actually been shot....i dunno why i get this feeling....but i guess its because i started with the beatles as a kid and have been a true fan of them....i ve listened to all their songs and the amazing fact about them is that they are still firmly etched right there so i could never forget them....the lyrics of some of some of the songs are awesome....there was this aura around them that was so mesmerising you could fall for it....

well i dunno how i took this book from the library("the man who killed john lennon")....but my hand jus leaped for it as i spotted the trademark glasses(which suited lennon best of all people) on the face of a man who was no more....yeah it was Lennon....and the book promised of all insights into the famous killing and the aftermath of it best titled "the trial of the decade" of chapman....i forgot the name of the author....but wotever his name,he s done a stupendous job with the facts leading upto the the end of it all "you would wonder:chapman pulled the trigger,but who triggered him?".....the answer as is indirectly cited is the CIA....

a brilliant book and a must read for all you lennon fans....but i guess there will be a moment for you guys where you might decide to stop reading the book especially as chapman readies himself for the murder....the author so vivdly captivates your feelings(if ur jus reading for the heck of it,u wont have a problem,if u like lennon,u ll be overtaken by emotions and u ll feel so bad i cant even describe...)anyways, a brilliant book....if u really want to believe chapman was triggered by someone else and he really wasnt that insane at all,go ahead and read "catcher in the rye" by JD Salingar(brilliant!!!!!!!) and see this movie "the manchurian candidate"(again brilliant!!!!Sinatra was just awesome)....u ll get to the bottom of it and know what connects mark david chapman,harvey lee oswald,sirhan sirhan...its pretty simple though...they were all programmed....

1 comment:

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